Book of the Abstracts for ICCAUA-2022
Book of the Full Papers for ICCAUA-2022
Individual Full Papers of ICCAUA-2022
Program of the conference for ICCAUA-2022
Book Chapters: Contemporary Approaches in Urbanism and Heritage Studies
List of “Awarded Best Presentations” for ICCAUA-2022
Declaration of international participation
List of the selected papers to publish in the journals and Book Chapters and conference full book proceedings:
4- What can we do to make next year’s conference even better? You may also mention about the negative part of this conference so we will work on it to solve for the next year.49 responses
***Thank you so much for your great work and communication. It was the best-organized conference I've ever attended. I would like to say that my father Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ben Ali just passed away last week the day I submitted my presentation to you on the 3rd of May. He was an amazing English literature professor who worked for 35 years at the University of Benghazi, When I received the news I felt a great strength to continue and finish the presentation because he was very keen to see it. I have to say that your amazing organized way of communication and online conference website helped me to find it and take this opportunity through the tough times. I consider myself very lucky. So Thank you very much! Sincerely, Hailana Mohammed Ben Ali
***There were no negatives.
***I think to have face to face conference will be more fruitful.
***Some video quality was bad. If it was the network, a better network provider should be secured. If it was from the authors, then kindly preview all submitted videos and the authors were told if the quality was acceptable or not. Or better still, a minimum quality/standard of the video should be stated. Lastly, the rule of ensuring videos did not exceed 10mins was not adhered to by some authors and you did not about it. This doesn't project you as strict to your own rules. Due to the different voice-tunes of authors from different countries, there should be sub-titles all through the presentation to enable better following of the presentation. More time should be allocated to the roundtable discussion in order to better understand the authors. But generally, it was a very good outing. Well done to you the chairman and his team. I wish I join your team next year if I am invited. Arc. John Agmada Bawa
***I think it would be better if the presentations were 20 minutes.
***It is really well-organized conference with really intresting issues and amazing topic.
***you can keep it in hybrid mode, and you can also integrate thoughts about the future of the architect's profession.
***Everything was good.
***Link to join zoom of each section should be sent to our individual emails. Thanks for the good work
***It was one of the most professional virtual conference I've been attended. Next year it'd be great to make it hybrid so that we can visit Alanya.
***The organization was incredible. Better only if it is face-to-face! Thank you for the excellent work.
***Really, I Think everything was so organized and fantastic that I can not mention anything negative. By the contrary, I want to congratulate everyone for the fantastic work.
***keep on the great organization
***Thank You so much
***You can organize the special sessions.
***May improve the technicalities related to an online event
***This confrence is very good
***More times for the discussion after each session
***It was an amazing conference. I hadn’t much difficulties while I was watching it online except for one or two times. However, I really enjoyed it. Thank you so much for giving me such an opportunity.
***I hope the Alanya HEP University can collaborate with other University in another country
***If online - better management of presentations and technical issues
***Preparing better audio for the next year conference, but overall two-day conference was great, thank you very much for all organizing committees.
***Dr. Hourakhsh, You are doing a great job together with your team! I could attend for a short time; as far as I can see you organized everything successfully. Thank you very much for your help and understanding during the process.
***The conference is satisfactory, especially the timing, it was a wonderful experience, but there is always room for improvement in anything in life, kudos to everyone
***I did not encounter any negative situation that would disturb me
***none, thank you
***It was excellent
***the program poster could be more simplified maybe. (I missed my discussion session as I logged in a different link )
***The conference could extend the timing of presentation as everybody in my opinion had to rush through their presentations making it difficult to cover up.
***This was very well organised conference. If possible parallel sessions doesn't allow you to see other presentations. May be cant help having so many presentations and such a varied topics. Hope to attend physical conference soon. Best wishes to the entire team.
***besides keynote speakers, you can invite guests as "invited speakers". Invited speakers are selected to present already published research/projects of very high quality. This will give more quality to the discussions. I must say, this was a very well organized conference. I enjoyed all the works and you have built a very nice a coherent community. as usual.. congratulations and waiting for the next conference!
***Gathering all recommendations of author's and share it in a journal or other formate to be informed by all participants. 2- Increase participation of new moderator and speakers. 3- Ranking author's participation through research, presentation, discussion and effective contribution.
***It would be very beneficial and an amazing experience to meet other fellow authors and speakers if circumstances provide that next year's conference will be live. Definitely looking forward to it. Thank you for a smoothly, seamlessly run conference covering multidisciplinary topics that one could be part of and experience.
***in case of virtual confernece, you could reconsider the fact to launch the interventions via youtube. Each paper can be presentated live on the plantform as well as for the keynote speakers
***Please make sure that the moderator has a good internet connection prior to the event
Everything was fascinating... thank you
***its great, flawless and extremely well organised.
***The conference was an excellent platform to exchange ideas. Though it would have been better if we could have presented the paper at that moment, instead of uploading YouTube links
***I have the honor to participate from the first conference in 2018 and every year is better than the previous year, I just hope to be able to have face to face meetings as soon as the pandemic conditions allow us.
ان يكون المؤتمر حضوريا ان شاءالله***
***Not have the three sessions at the same time , and practice before to avoid the technical problems
***I really appreciate the organization of the conference and inclusion of authors from many countries to present and discuss their work on an international platform. It was very effective and insightful. I would like to thank the organization team and wish them to continue this great work in the upcoming years as well.
***I think that the conference will definitely be face to face and it will be more productive for all participants
***make the Conference hybrid ( face to face + online) and establish journal for the conference
***I think that sessions should be longer in duration to give more chance for the roundtables
***A BIG SUCCESS!!! Excellent Organization. Maybe Hybrid mode (online/Offline) would be more interesting! THANK YOU VERY MUCH !
***The conference was perfect. We hope it would be face to face next time.
Session A: Architecture and Technology
Dr. Alpay Akgüç |
Dr. Ana Paula Rainha |
Dr. Mehmet Dikici |
Dr. Islam Hamdi Elghonaimy |
Dr. Saraoui Selma |
Dr. Abdulsalam I. Shema |
Dr. Didem Güneş Yılmaz |
Dr. Salar Salah Muhy al-din |
Session B: Sustainability and Urban Design
Dr. Dalia Hussain El Dardiry |
Dr. Leila Akbarishahabi |
Dr. Mohamed M. Youssef |
Dr. Ayşe Sirel |
Dr. Djamel Alkama |
Dr. Ahmad Khalilia |
Dr. Mennat-Allah El-husseiny |
Dr. Riham Nady Faragallah |
Dr. Carlos Mourão Pereira |
Session C: Heritage and Cultural Landscapes |
Dr. Husam R. Husain |
Dr. Zahraa Zawawi |
Dr. Vaidehi Lavand |
Dr. Ugo Rossi |
Dr. Shantharam Patil |
Dr. Nihan Kocaman Pavlovic |
Session D: Habitat Studies |
Dr. Carlo ALBERINI |
Dr. Yung Yau |
Dr. Mazen Mohamed Nassef |
Dr. Ana Bordalo |
Session E: Pandemic Studies |
Dr. Dalia Hussain El Dardiry |
Dr. Hidayet Softaoğlu |
Session F: Civil Engineering |
Dr. Yarah Basyoni |
Dr. Sertaç ORUÇ |
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Professor Dr. Jean-Francois Lejeune, University of Miami, USA
Jean-François Lejeune is Professor at the U-SoA, where he teaches architectural design, urban design, and history theory. From June 2009 to December 2014 he was the Director of Graduate Studies. He taught at the Oregon School of Design (1985-87) and was Visiting Professor at the Universidade do Rio Grande du Sul (Brazil), the Università La Sapienza Roma, and the Universidad de Alcalá in Alcalá de Henares in Spain. In 2007 he was an Affiliated Fellow at the American Academy in Rome. Born in Belgium, he graduated from the University of Liège (Belgium) with the Diploma of Engineer-Architect. He is now a Ph.D. candidate and researcher at TU Delft, Netherlands, where he is completing his dissertation on Reciprocal Influences: Rural Utopia, Metropolis and Modernity in Franco’s Spain.
In Europe, Lejeune collaborated on the design of the University of Liège Experimental Farm, and worked as urban designer for the Atelier de Recherche et d’Action Urbaines (Brussels) and for the Archives d’architecture moderne (AAM, Brussels). In Miami, he collaborated with various architecture offices like Duany Plater-Zyberk, Shulman and Associates, and Brillhart Architecture. His books include, among others, the three issues of the School of Architecture periodical The New City (1991, 1994, 1996), The Making of Miami Beach 1933-1942: The Architecture of Lawrence Murray Dixon (with Allan Shulman), Sitte, Hegemann, and the Metropolis (with Charles Bohl), Modern Architecture and the Mediterranean: Vernacular Dialogues and Contested Identities (with Michelangelo Sabatino, commended for the 2011 CICA Bruno Zevi Book Award) whose Italian version was issued in 2016. He has published essays in Rassegna, Stadtbauwelt, Architektur Aktuell, Clog, The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, Journal of Architectural Education, Bollettino del CE.S.A.R., and in various exhibition catalogues and books.
Lejeune’s research has also focused on Latin America and Miami and he is a founding member and secretary of DoCOMOMO-US/Florida. He curated in Brussels the exhibition Cruelty and Utopia: Cities and Landscapes of Latin America whose catalogue won the Julius Posener CICA Award for Best Architecture Catalogue in 2005. Other exhibitions include Cuban Architects at Home and in Exile: the Modernist Generation (2016-17, with Victor Deupi), The Florida Home: Modern Living in Miami, 1945-65 (Miami-Tallahassee, 2004-5, with Allan Shulman), Interama: Miami and the Pan-American Dream (Miami, 2008, with Allan Shulman).
He is currently at work on two monographs: Loos and Schinkel: The Metropolis between the Individual and the Collective (Routledge) and The Modern Village: Rural Utopia and Modernity in Franco’s Spain (DOM, Berlin).
Professor Dr. Ahmed Faggal, department of architecture, Faculty of Engineering , Ain shams University (ASU), Cairo, Egypt.
Professor Ahmed Faggal is a professor in the Architectural Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain shams University (ASU), Cairo, Egypt, a visited Professor in The German University in Cairo (GUC) & The Britsh University in Egypt (BUE) and recently he is the Dean of Canadian International College – (CIC). Professor Ahmed Faggal had his PH. D in Architecture Eng. “2002” Ain Shams University, and his M.Sc Degree in Architecture Eng. “1998” Ain Shams University, Bachelor of Engineering “Sept. 87, - June 91” Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering. He teaches building technology, environmental control systems, and thermal comfort courses at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has supervised thesis in M.Sc. Degree & PH. D for more than 19 years. He has published papers in the area of environmental control and thermal comfort in buildings.
Professor Dr. Jianfa Shen, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Prof. Jianfa SHEN is Professor of the Department of Geography and Resource Management, and Director of Research Centre for Urban and Regional Development of Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests focus on urbanization, migration, urban and regional development, urban governance and urban competitiveness. He has undertaken substantial research in these areas contributing to theoretical and methodological advancements, as well as empirical analysis and applications including the development of a dual-track urbanisation framework and the causes of changing migration patterns in China. He is one of the top two percent of the world's scientists according to the list released by Stanford University in December 2020. He received RGC Senior Research Fellowship 2020/2021. He serves in the Editorial Boards of The China Review, Population, Space and Place, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, Asian Population Studies, Asian Geographer and Geographical Research. He has published 197 papers and 28 books including “Urbanization, Regional Development and Governance in China” (2018, Routledge) and “Development and Planning in Seven Major Coastal Cities in Southern and Eastern China ” (2017, Springer).
Professor Dr. Yasser Mahgoub Faculty of Architecture, Galala University
Dr. Yasser Mahgoub is an architect, academic and scholar. Currently, Program Director, Faculty of Architecture, Galala University. Received his Doctorate in Architecture degree from The University of Michigan in 1990. Held several academic positions at Ain Shams University (Egypt), United Arab Emirates University, Kuwait University, Qatar University, Dar Al Hekma University (Saudi Arabia) and Galala University (Egypt). Practised as a professional architect and consultant.. Teaches design studios, research methods, environment and behaviour, creativity and innovation, professional practice, graduation/senior projects and graduate courses. His research interests include social and cultural aspects of architecture, sustainable architecture, architectural education and the impact of globalization on architecture. Published several refereed research papers in internationally refereed journals and book chapters. Attended and presented papers in several international and regional conferences. Served as a scientific referee for many scientific conferences and journals. Was a member of the Agha Khan for Architecture Award reviewers for the 2010 cycle and currently country nominator.
Dr. Joseph Adeniran ADEDEJI,Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
Dr. Joseph Adeniran Adedeji has his core research interest in landscape hermeneutics. He joins the Rachel Carson Center from The Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA), Nigeria where he is a senior lecturer in the Department of Architecture. He obtained Bachelor (Hons.) and Master of Technology degrees in Architecture from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, and Doctor of Philosophy degree in Architecture from FUTA. He lectured briefly at Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke (2004-2007), and LAUTECH (2007-2011) before his appointment in FUTA in 2011. A full member of the Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA) and chartered by the Architects’ Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON), he has over two decades of practical experience. His teaching, research works, and publications are situated at the intersection of spatial considerations for the comfortable use of urban open spaces, environment and behaviour, cultural morphology of cityscapes, and more intensely, landscape hermeneutics of the urban grain in an African context. Specifically, he has a passion for researching the socio-cultural aspects of ecosystem services and biocultural identity of the Yoruba nation of south-west Nigeria. His most recent project titled Bioculturalism of Yorubas: Intersection of mythology and nature for wellbeing at Osun Sacred Grove UNESCO Site, Osogbo, Nigeria is part of a bigger picture of the project Urban realities and urban nature: Facilitating processes of wellbeing and belonging within urban biocultural environments (Earthscan, forthcoming). He is a reviewer with several academic journals, including Emerald’s Management of Environmental Quality and Health Environment Research & Design, Urban Design International, Journal of Conservation Planning of the University of Florida (including an editorial board membership from 2014 to 2017), and Elsevier’s Social Science and Humanities Open, among others. He is an external examiner and Ph.D thesis assessor. He has published widely and presented research at learned conferences in Nigeria and abroad. These include IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) World Congress 2012 and 2016, and the 2nd International Workshop on Civil Engineering and Architecture, among many others. He is a research methodologist with emphasis on the mixed-method paradigm, which he teaches at a postgraduate level. His Survey research designs incorporating data dummying: The what and how of a strategy for studying environment security is a wealth of resources on research methods praxis.
Professor Dr. Sahar Attia, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
Dr. Sahar Attia, is an Emeritus Professor of urban design at the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. She has been the Head of the Department of Architecture in the same institution from 2013-2017. She has 40 years of experience practising and teaching urban planning, urban design, and architecture. She is currently a member of the Supreme Council of Urban Development in Egypt, a member of the Stakeholders Advisory Group Enterprise (SAGE) UN-Habitat, She is also the co-chair of the University Network Initiative -UN-Habitat (UNI), and a board member in Ecocity Builders, a non-profit public benefit corporation in SF California-USA.
She is the Co-Editor of: “Dynamics And Resilience Of Informal Areas: International Perspectives” (2016), “New Cities and Community Extensions in Egypt and the Middle East” (2018), “Cultural Sustainable Tourism” (2019), and “Ecocities Now” (2020), all four published by Springer. In January 2021, she has been appointed a member of the Egyptian Parliament, and a member of the Science & technology working group in the International Parliamentary Union (IPU).
Dr. Laura P. Spinadel, BUSarchitektur & BOA GmbH, Competence Center URBAN MENUS for Smart Urban Development, Austria
Laura P. Spinadel (1958 Buenos Aires, Argentina) is an Argentine-Austrian architect, urban planner, writer, educator and principal of the companies BUSarchitektur and BOA office for advanced randomness in Vienna. She is particularly reknown for her works Compact City and Campus WU, both considered pioneers of the holistic architecture ideology. She is Doctor Honoris Causa at the Civic Parliament of the Humanity, Transacademy Universal Institute of Nations. Currently, she is working on URBAN MENUS**, an Interactive Society Future Planning Serious Game to create our cities in 3D using an impact-oriented consensual approach.
** Granting Promotion XL Innovation AWS Austrian economy services of the Creative Industries (2017) & Impact Innovation funding Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG (2020) & aws technology internationalization 2021-2022 support for URBAN MENUS India market study for a Smart Area Development solution.
IV Congresso Internazionale dell`Abitare Collectivo Sostenible Alghero 2020 - ISBN 978-84-09-20369-7
Campus WU: A Holistic History – Editor BOA büro für offensive aleatorik – 2013 ISBN 978-3950366600
Urban unconscious – BUSarchitektur & Friends– Libria Editrice – 2003 ISBN 88-87202-44-3;
Perceptions by BUSarchitektur – Projects and Buildings 1986/1999 Libria Editrice 2001 ISBN 88-87202-15-X
Blogs & platforms
A holistic look at artificial intelligence by Laura P. Spinadel – Issue 5 – AGENCIA – Mexico - 2021
Podcast Städtebau im Dialog - Start Ups University of Dotmund - Germany - 10/2020
Urbanet Spotlight on Smart Cities : Me, Them and URBAN MENUS - 10/2020
Urban Menus - Lebensqualität durch konsensbasierte Stadtplanung - urban digital - Germany - 07/2020
Main awards and milestones
Award Top 3 female Innovation Minerva Award 2021
Award Top 3 female entrepreneurs Award 21 at the topic Innovation 2021
Architecture Award City of Vienna 2015
International CICA Award Urban Planning 2015
Award International Architecture Biennial Buenos Aires BA15 2015
Golden Ring of Honor from the Business and Economics University Vienna – 2014
Recent Competition Successes (Selection)
1st Prize Invest Housing Koloniestraße in Vienna – 2020 - Austria.
1st Prize Remodeling Forschungszentrum Jülich in Nordrhein-Westfalen – 2019 - Germany
1st Prize Masterplan Sports Mile Krems at the Danube River – 2018 - Austria
Current appearances as keynote speaker in world stages
Moscow Urban Forum MUF 21, Russia
Malaysia Urban Forum MUF 2020, Malaysia
Raumwelten Conference 2020, Germany
Congresso Internazionale dell`Abitare Collectivo Sostenible, Barcelona/Alghero 2020
Social Media
Professor Dr. Carlo ALBERINI, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco.
After his master’s in Architecture at the School of Architecture – University of Genoa (in 1998), with a thesis on Teaching of Urban Planning in the European Schools of Architecture, he began his research and teaching activities. In 2005, he got his PhD in Urban Planning at the School of Engineering – University of Genoa, with a thesis on Ports planning, urban governance and waterfronts regeneration projects.
Since he graduated, he has been Researcher and Adjunct Professor at the School of Architecture in Genoa for several years, taking courses on Town Planning and Town Planning History. Adjunct Professor at the Schools of Architecture in Florence, where he taught courses on Urban Planning, Urban Management, Infrastructures and Urban Development. He also taught at the Master’ on Waterfront regeneration projects in Mediterranean cities. Its areas of research investigation covered the topics of urban analysis and urban regeneration projects management, with specific focus on the quality of public space and the impact on real estate value; internationally he was involved in research projects funded the EU, in the fields of urban mobility, cities-infrastructures design & management, infrastructure & environment.
Since august 2018 he’s Professor and Researcher at the School of Architecture Planning and Design - Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (Morocco), where he has held courses in the Master on “Resilient, Sustainable and Smart Buildings & Cities” as well as for the bachelor’s degree in Architecture. In the Master RSSBC he’s in charge for teaching the modules related to: Analysis of urban contexts in African cities; Funding resilient and sustainable buildings & cities; Introduction to real estate finance for sustainable and resilient urban transformation projects. On the bachelor’s in architecture, he’s in charge for the Design Studio #1, Design Studio #2, Introduction to Environment Ecology and Sustainability. At the EMINES – School of Industrial Management (UM6P) he in charge for teaching the module Finance and Urbanization. He’s author of three monographies on infrastructure development and urban development process, waterfront regeneration project and port planning, urban planning & real estate finance. He’s also correspondent for the International Architecture Review AREA. Recently he presented the paper “How to teach Urban Big Data for tomorrow’ town planners” at the 2022 International Conference of the Association of Collegiate School of Planning.
He is Co-Coordinator of the research project: “Urban structure and COVID19 spread. Defining and monitoring Urban Health & Hygiene Performance Index” as well as Coordinator of a 3-year research project “Dakhla Region 2030 Action Plan. Fostering SDGs trough integrated coastal zones management and sustainable urban planning”.
As a professional, during last 20 years, he has gained an extensive experience in hospitals and healthcare infrastructures programming & design, as well as in regeneration's projects of public and private large real estate assets.
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