SESSION A: Architecture and Technology

 DOI: 10.38027/N12020ICCAUA316291

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Investigation of Diagrid Structures Over Gherkin Tower

1 * Mustafa Küçük

1 Architectural Design Master Program, Istanbul Aydin University, Istanbul, Turkey

E-mail 1: mustafakucukarchitects@gmail.com   

2 Halil Ibrahim Arslan

2 Architectural Design Master Program, Istanbul Aydin University, Istanbul, Turkey

E-mail 2: mim.halilarslan52@gmail.com

DOI: 10.38027/N22020ICCAUA316327

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Assessment of the Malls In Terms of Comfort Condition for Consumers

1  Hüseyin Tunçbilek

1 Architectural Design Master Program, Istanbul Aydin University, Istanbul, Turkey

E-mail 1: tuncbilek3@gmail.com   

2 Gökmen Deniz

2 Architectural Design Master Program, Istanbul Aydin University, Istanbul, Turkey

E-mail 2: mim.gokmendeniz@gmail.com   

DOI: 10.38027/N32020ICCAUA316345

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Adaptive Human Mechanisms of Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Cold Stress

1 * Ms. Bouthaina Sayad

1 Civil Engineering and Hydraulic Laboratory, Université 8 Mai 1945, Guelma, Algeria

E-mail1 : Boutheina41@hotmail.com   

ORCID 1: https://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-7857-7983

2 Pr. Djamel Alkama

 2 Department of Architecture, Université 8 Mai 1945, Guelma, Algeria

E-mail 2: dj.alkama@gmail.com

ORCID 2: https://orcid.org /0000-0002-3565-6451

DOI: 10.38027/N42020ICCAUA316352

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Liquid Waste Management in Nigerian Brewery: A Perception Based Study

MS.c. OgunwusiDoyinsola 1, MS.c. AjobieweTolulope 2, MS.c.AdeleyeOluwaseyi 3, MS.c. OlufemiOluyinka 4 and MS.c. Shaibu Victor  5

University of Ibadan, Faculty of Environmental Design and Management, Ibadan, Nigeria 15

Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Ankara, Turkey 234

E-mail 1: doyinsola91@gmail.com Email 2: tolulope.ajobiewe@metu.edu.tr, Email 3: adeleyeoluwaseyi917@yahoo.com Email 4: phemyyeankah@yahoo.com Email 5: shaibusuccess@ymail.com

DOI: 10.38027/N52020ICCAUA316359

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Using the Space Syntax Analysis to Examine the Spatial Configuration of Houses Layouts and Its Transformation over Time in Biskra City

PhD student,  Rihane Barkat 1

Faculty of Architecture,  Mohamed Khaider University, Biskra, Algeria1

E-mail1: rayhana0404@outlook.fr

Assc.Prof. Dr, Yassine Bada 2

Faculty of Architecture,  Mohamed Khaider University, Biskra, Algeria3

E-mail2 : yassinebada@yahoo.fr

Assc. Prof. Dr.Yasemin İnce Güney 3

Balıkesir University, Faculty of Architecture, Balıkesir, Turkey 3

E-mail3 : yasemince.guney@gmail.com

PhD student, Hafnaoui Hamzaoui 4

Faculty of Architecture,  Mohamed Khaider University, Biskra, Algeria4

E-mail4: hafnaoui.hmz@gmail.com

DOI: 10.38027/N62020ICCAUA316363

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Evaluation of the Impact of the Transparent Component on the Energy Loads and Thermal Comfort Conditions in Different Climatic Regions

1*R.A Seda Yüksel,

1Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey

E-mail 1:seday@yildiz.edu.tr

ORCID 1: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0734-7106

2Assoc.Prof Gülten Manioğlu

2Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey

E-mail 2: manioglugu@itu.edu.tr

ORCID 2: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0009-6191

DOI: 10.38027/N72020ICCAUA316389

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Practical Application of Advanced photovoltaic Cell Technology in Sustainable Urbanization field

1* M.Sc. George Fawzy Sadik Younan

1 College of Engineering, Zagazig University, Egypt

E-mail1: georgefawzy55@gmail.com

2 Dr. Mustafa Sabry El Shanawany

2 College of Engineering, Zagazig University, Egypt

Dr. Sherif Ahmed Sheta

2 College of Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt

E-mail:  sheriefsheta@mans.edu.eg

DOI: 10.38027/N82020ICCAUA316390

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Environmental and Cost Effects of Stabilized Laterite-Tyre Composite in Buildings

Fashuyi Olugbenga

Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria

Email: arcfashuyi@yahoo.com

DOI: 10.38027/N92020ICCAUA316395

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Investigation of the Usability of Plastic Origin Wastes Used in the Furniture Industry in Hot Asphalt Mixture

Yousif Rashad Qader and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ufuk KIRBAŞ

Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Turkey

E mail: zanganayusuf@gmail.com  , E mail: ufuk.kirbas@omu.edu.tr

 DOI: 10.38027/ N352020ICCAUA3163632

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Using Photovoltaic Systems in Famagusta Residential Buildings as Electric Power

Ph.D Student. Hussein Mohammed Al-Taesh

Faculty of Architecture, Silesian University of Tehnology, Gliwice, Poland

Email: hussein.najmaldin@yahoo.com     


SESSION B: Sustainability and Urban Design


DOI: 10.38027/N102020ICCAUA316272

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Children Deserve A Space to Play: A Vision for a Better Urban Playing Spaces in Jeddah, KSA

1,2* Associate Professor Usama A. Nassar

1 Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt

E-mail 1: usama.a.nassar@gmail.com

ORCID 1: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1296-3811

2 College of Engineering, Taibah University, Madinah, Saudi Arabia

E-mail 2: unassar@taibahu.edu.sa

DOI: 10.38027/N112020ICCAUA316279

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The Kind of Transportation Used Between Home and School in Children and Perception of Urban Space: Case of Kirklareli


Faculty of Architecture, Kirklareli University, Kirklareli, Turkey

E-mail : merveguroglu@gmail.com

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4416-0842

 DOI: 10.38027/N122020ICCAUA316284

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Walls as a Space of Pacification

Prof. Francesco Del Sole

Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy

E-mail: francesco.delsole@unisalento.it

ORCID: https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-5024-2951

DOI: 10.38027/N132020ICCAUA316285

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Effects of Earthshelter’s on Urban Space in Context of Biophilic Design; A case of Meydan İstanbul Mall, Turkey

1 * Res. Assist. Şeyma İNCESAKAL

1 Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, University HASAN KALYONCU, Gaziantep, Turkey

E-mail 1: seyma.incesakal@hku.edu.tr

https://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-6152-4033

2 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmut Serhat YENİCE

2 Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, University HASAN KALYONCU, Gaziantep, Turkey

E-mail 2 : serhat.yenice@hku.edu.tr


DOI: 10.38027/N142020ICCAUA316287

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Searching Landscape Elements from Indigenous Land-Water Interface to Develop Integrated Landscape Framework for Water Sensitive Urban Design

1 *Ayasha Siddiqua

1 PhD Candidate, Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology


2 Dr. Farida Nilufar

2 Professor, Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

E-mai: faridanilufar@yahoo.com


DOI: 10.38027/N152020ICCAUA316300

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Reverse, Inaction or Promotion: The Effects of Long-term Top-down Driving Forces on the New Town’s Development in China:  Taking Tongzhou New Town as an Example

1 * M.A. Xiaoxiao Cai

1 Department of Architecture, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

E-mail 1xiaoxiao.cai@kuleuven.be   

ORCID 1: https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-0638-2823

DOI: 10.38027/N162020ICCAUA316305

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A Study of Thermal Performance in University Campuses in Urban Context of Dhaka City

* Ar. M. Eng. B.Arch. Golam Morsalin Choudhury Rana 

1 Doctoral Research Student, Dept. of Architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh

E-mail: rana_2103@yahoo.com

ORCID:  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2551-3166 

DOI: 10.38027/N172020ICCAUA316351

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 Reading the colonial space through non-normative resources: An educational experience in the construction of meaning


Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture,

University Abdelhamid Ibn Badis, Mostaganem, Algeria

E-mail:  nabil.robaichorfi@univ-mosta.dz

DOI: 10.38027/N182020ICCAUA316369

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Transformation of Urban Structure and Emergence of Higher-Order Commercial Areas- Case of Ahmedabad, India

1 *B.Arch and M.Tech Vivek Parekh

1 Urban Planning Professional, Ahmedabad, India

E-mail 1: parekh.vivek@gmail.com

2 B.E and M.S Heli Makwana

2 Student- MS Construction Management, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ, USA

E-mail 2: helimak96@gmail.com

DOI: 10.38027/N192020ICCAUA316394

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Transformation of Public and Private Spaces:  Instrumentality of Restrictions on the Use of Public Space During COVID 19 Pandemic

1 * Dr. Evren Ülkeryıldız

1 Faculty of Architecture, Alanya Hamdullah Emin Paşa University, Antalya, Turkey

E-mail 1evrenulkeryildiz@ahep.edu.tr

ORCID 1: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2063-4305

2 Deniz Can Vural

2 Faculty of Architecture, Alanya Hamdullah Emin Paşa University, Antalya, Turkey

E-mail 2: denizcan.vural@ahep.edu.tr


3 Duygu Yıldız

3 Faculty of Architecture, Alanya Hamdullah Emin Paşa University, Antalya, Turkey

E-mail 3: duyguyildizahep@gmail.com


DOI: 10.38027/N202020ICCAUA263705

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Culture of Urban Graffiti: The Importance of Graffiti in Urban Landscape

Arezoo khani 

Eastern Mediterranean university, Turkey

Email: Arezoo khani@cc.emu.edu.tr 


SESSION C: Heritage and Cultural Landscapes


DOI: 10.38027/N212020ICCAUA316262

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Vernacular Architecture of South Asia: Exploring Passive Design Strategies of Traditional Houses in Warm Humid Climate of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

1 *Sabrina Mehjabeen Ratree

1 Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh

E-mail 1ratree1001021@gmail.com   

2 Nuzhat Farah

2 Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh

E-mail 2: nuz.farah@gmail.com

3 Md. Shariful Shadat

2 Department of Civil Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

E-mail 3  sharifulshadat@gmail.com

DOI: 10.38027/N222020ICCAUA316265

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Integration of Rural Elements into Urban Areas - A Tangible Nostalgia and Sustainability Aid in Developing Countries

M.A. Femi Emmanuel Arenibafo

Girne American University, Faculty of Architecture, Design and fine Art,TRNC, via Mersin 10, Turkey

E-mail:  awebfemi@gmail.com, webfemi@yahoo.com

DOI: 10.38027/N232020ICCAUA316292

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Continuity of Industrial Landscape:
From Sümerbank Kayseri Textile Factory to AGU Sumer Campus

1 *Research Assistant: MSc., BA Özlem Kevseroğlu

1 Faculty of Architecture, University Abdullah Gül, Kayseri, Turkey

E-mail 1: ozlem.kevseroglu@agu.edu.tr

ORCID 1: https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-1828-2256

2 Instructor: M.Sc., B.Arch. Ayşegül Kıdık

2 Faculty of Architecture, University Abdullah Gül, Kayseri, Turkey

E-mail 2: aysegul.kidik@agu.edu.tr


3 *Professor: PhD, MSc, B.Arch. Burak Asiliskender

3 Faculty of Architecture, University Abdullah Gül, Kayseri, Turkey


https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-4143-4214

DOI: 10.38027/N242020ICCAUA316321

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Urban morphology and the case study of French concession Tourane
in Vietnam (1888-1950)

1 *M.A. Nam Duc Dinh

1 Laboratory of Research in Architecture (LRA), National School of Architecture of Toulouse (ENSAT), Toulouse, France

E-mail 1: nam-duc.dinh@toulouse.archi.fr

ORCID 1: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6970-2068

2 Dr. Enrico Chapel

2 Laboratory of Research in Architecture (LRA), National School of Architecture of Toulouse (ENSAT), Toulouse, France

E-mail 2: enrico.chapel@toulouse.archi.fr

DOI: 10.38027/N252020ICCAUA316325

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Vacant Urban Spaces: Definitions, Challenges and Perspectives in Urban Regeneration

 Architect/PhD Student Amine Mseddi

Szent Istvan University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Budapest, Hungary

E-mail :amine.mseddi.architect@gmail.com

DOI: 10.38027/N262020ICCAUA316381

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Typo- Morphological Analysis as a Method for Physical Revitalization: The Case of Famagusta’s Residential District

Rokhsaneh Rahbarianyazd

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Alanya Hamdullah Emin Paşa University, Turkey

Email: rokhsaneh.rahbarianyazd@gmail.com

SESSION D: Habitat Studies / Infra Habitation

DOI: 10.38027/N272020ICCAUA316238

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Enclosurotopias: A Heterotopian Simulation of Reality

1 *M.Sc. Taher Abdel-Ghani

1 Faculty of Architecture, Modern Sciences & Arts University, Cairo, Egypt

E-mail 1: tahmahmoud@msa.eun.eg    

2 M.Sc. Zeinab Tahoon

2 Faculty of Architecture, Modern University for Technology & Information, Cairo, Egypt

E-mail 2: zeinab_tahoon@yahoo.com

DOI: 10.38027/N282020ICCAUA316270

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The Experience of Intermediate Housing in Algeria: Between Social And Spatial Arrangements (The Case Of Touggourt)

1* MA PhD Candidate Souheir Sabrine Benreguig,

1Faculty of Architecture, University Ferhat Abbas, Setif 1, Algeria

E-mail 1 : benreguig-soheir.sabrine@hotmail.fr

2 Assistant Professor Dr. Nassira Benhassine

2Laboratory of Bioclimatic Architecture and Environment (ABE), Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University Salah Boubnider, Constantine3, Algeria

E-mail2 : nassira.benhassine@univ-constantine3.dz

DOI: 10.38027/N292020ICCAUA316294

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Informal Marginalities in Constantine: Factors of Emergence and Trials for Restriction

1 * Dr.  Besma Bouteche

1 Faculty of Architecture and Design, Salah Boubnider Constantine 3 University, Constantine, Algeria

E-mail1 : besma_bouteche@yahoo.fr

ORCID 1: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9106-4592

2 Dr. Youcef Lazri

2 Faculty of Architecture and Design, 8 May 145 Guelma, Guelma, Algeria

E-mail 2 : youcef.lazri59@yahoo.com

https:// orcid.org/0000-0003-0888-9986

DOI: 10.38027/N302020ICCAUA316333

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Effect of life experiences on Houses: The Cypriot (Case /Culture)

Dr. Bugu Sah

Girne American University, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts, Kyrenia, Cyprus

E-mail : bugusah@gau.edu.tr 

DOI: 10.38027/N312020ICCAUA316371

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Logics and system of urban actors in the governance of the operations for the precarious housing resorption in Algeria: Towards a participatory approach

1 *M.Sc. Hichem Zitoune

1 Polytechnic school of architecture and urbanism, Algiers, Algeria

E-mail1: h.zitoune@epau-alger.edu.dz

ORCID 1: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6152-4826

2M.Sc. Amira Manel Zouaoui

2 Polytechnic school of architecture and urbanism, Algiers, Algeria


ORCID 2: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4217-1003

3Ph.D. Meriem Chabou

3Polytechnic school of architecture and urbanism, Algiers, Algeria

E-mai3: mariam.chabou.othmani@gmail.com

ORCID 3: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7681-5503


DOI: 10.38027/N322020ICCAUA316396

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Human Sustainable Urbanism Against Unsustainable Realities: A Holistic Model

Dr. Derya Oktay

1 Faculty of Architecture, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey

E-mail 1: de.oktay@gmail.com

ORCID 1: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1261-2656


DOI: 10.38027/N332020ICCAUA316276

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 19th Century Public Buildings in Malatya City

1* M.Sc. Fatma Zehra Sarı

1Faculty of Design and Architecture, Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University, Adana, Turkey

E-mail1: fzehra22@gmail.com

ORCID 1: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0620-5598

2 Asst. Prof. Dr. Nur Umar

2 1Faculty of Design and Architecture, Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University, Adana, Turkey

E-mail 2nur.umar@gmail.com


DOI: 10.38027/2020ICCAUA316373

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The critical mass: a trigger parameter for cultural and creative cluster strategies in metropolises

1 *M.Sc. AmiraManelZouaoui

1 Polytechnic school of architecture and urbanism, Algiers, Algeria


2M.Sc. HichemZitoune

2 Polytechnic school of architecture and urbanism, Algiers, Algeria


3Ph.D. MeriemChabou

3Polytechnic school of architecture and urbanism, Algiers, Algeria

E-mai3: mariam.chabou.othmani@gmail.com

DOI: 10.38027/N362020ICCAUA3163633

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Adaptive Reuse in Heritage Buildings of Mediterranean For the Implementation of Sustainable Development: Through Environmental Dimensions

PhD Candidate Beyhan Kara

Faculty of Architecture,Near East University, K.K.T.C., Turkey

E-mail:  beyhankaraarch@gmail.com

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0135-5466


DOI: 10.38027/N372020ICCAUA3163634

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Urban Readings on Public Art Representations in Landscape Architecture

1* Assistant Professor Dr.  Aysel Yavuz,

1 Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Forestry, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey

E-mail1: ayavuz75@hotmail.com

   2 Association Professor Dr.  Habibe Acar,

2 Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Forestry, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey

E-mail2: habibeacar@hotmail.com

3 Association Professor Dr.  Nihan Canbakal Ataoğlu

3Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey

E-mail3: canbakalnihan@hotmail.com



DOI: 10.38027/N382020ICCAUA3163635

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Museum’s Open Space

1*Association Professor Dr. Nihan Canbakal Ataoğlu

Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, 61080, Trabzon, Turkey

E-mail1: canbakalnihan@hotmail.com

2Association Professor Dr. Habibe Acar  

Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture, 61080, Trabzon, Turkey 2

E-mail2: habibeacar@hotmail.com

3Assistant Professor Dr. Aysel Yavuz

Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture, 61080, Trabzon, Turkey

E-mail3: ayavuz75@hotmail.com