Paper Guidelines

» Abstract Submission Instructions

» Full Paper Submıssıon Instructıons

» Video Presentations Instructions



You are invited to send your abstract to the  8th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs on Architecture and Urbanism which will be held online on 8-9 May 2025 in Alanya.   At first, participants should send their abstracts (in .doc or .docx file format). All abstracts submitted to the conference undergo a blind review process by two anonymous reviewers. The reviewers are chosen from the conference’s scientific review board. Typically, the field coordinators will seek reviewers’ feedback before considering your submission for acceptance. In that case, the field coordinator will wait until he/she receives all reviewer comments on your submission. The field coordinator will then e-mail you directly with a decision. 

 - To see the Abstract Template click here

- Submit your abstracts to:


Submit your abstract of no more than 150 words. Please download the given Abstract Template. You are requested to follow the format carefully for your abstract submission. Abstracts that do not apply to the correct format will be rejected. The primary language of the conference is English. We encourage you to send an informative abstract (complete abstract) which is a compendious summary of a paper’s substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion.

 Please submit well before the submission deadline in order to be eligible for Early Bird rates to reserve your seats for the conference.

  • The abstract should not exceed 150 words.
  • It is required for the authors to submit their abstracts in a Microsoft Word file.
  • It is required for the authors to submit their abstract exactly based on the given template.
  • In order to check writing hints and requirements to publish high-quality Abstracts. See: Writing an abstract 
  • The abstract in English, American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of them.
  • Make sure to check the grammatical problems of your Abstract by “Grammarly”. Grammarly is free software. In order to see how to install Grammarly on Microsoft Word please click here
  • File format: MS Word-compatible file  (in .doc or .docx file format)
  • After you send your abstract to us based on the above-mentioned requirements, we will assign a manuscript ID to it and will inform you within a week. So please communicate with us with that manuscript ID in our future communication.
  • Your Abstract will undergo a double-blind peer review within two weeks after its receipt.
  • Acceptance or rejection of the paper will be sent to you with reviewer comments. If the abstract is required to be revised, the revised abstract is needed to be sent back within a week.
  • If your abstract is accepted (so-called preliminary acceptance letter), you will be invited to register for the conference. Accordingly, after finalizing your payment we will send your final acceptance letter (Note: we are planning to send all the acceptance letters at the same time. So we will send your final acceptance letter 2 weeks before the conference).
  • A good abstract should include:
    The question that the authors were trying to answer (no more than 1-2 sentences)
    A brief summary of the methods that they used in their study
    A summary of their headline findings
    A summary of the wider implications of their results (no more than 1-2 sentences)

    Abstracts should not include:
    Undefined abbreviations
    Figure or table numbers


Please submit your full papers directly to Google Classroom Assignment Part A using the provided link, applicable to all authors, including both face-to-face and online presenters.

Invite link:

The platform will open on 20 February 2025.

Class Code:  The platform will open on 20 February 2025.

*** See how you can upload your files to Google Classroom: 

Important Note:  To join a class on Google Classroom using a class code, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Google Classroom website at
  2. If you're not already signed in, you'll need to sign in with your Google account. If you don't have a Google account, you'll need to create one.
  3. Once you're signed in, look for a "+" sign (plus sign) at the top-right corner of the screen. Click on it.
  4. Select "Join class" from the menu that appears.
  5. Enter the class code. Class Code:  The platform will open on 20 February 2025.
  6. Click "Join."

Note: This link is provided for just corresponding authors to submit their full papers to the system.

Note: We are not accepting full papers through email.  

Note: To be able to upload your files to Google Class you should have a “Gmail Account”.

Note: If your submitted file is visible on Google Classroom, it indicates that we have access to it from our end as well.


Please read the below instructions carefully before submitting your full paper to Google class:

***All the authors need to prepare their FULL PAPERS based on the following checklist before submitting their paper to Google Classroom:

- Your paper needs to be structured at least in five main classifications as follows: Abstract,  1. Introduction, 2. Materials and Methods, 3. Results, 4. Discussions, 5. conclusions (you may add more subtitles if needed ).

Suggested scientific structure (optional):

1. Introduction
1.1 Background and Context
1.2 Problem Statement and Research Gap
1.3 Objectives and Hypotheses
1.4 Significance and Structure of the Paper

  1. Materials and Methods
    2.1 Study Design and Setting
    2.2 Participants or Subjects
    2.3 Materials and Equipment
    2.4 Procedures and Protocols
    2.5 Data Analysis
  2. Results
    3.1 Presentation of Key Findings
    3.2 Use of Tables and Figures
    3.3 Statistical Analysis
    3.4 Subsections for Different Types of Data
  3. Discussion
    4.1 Interpretation of Key Findings
    4.2 Comparison with Previous Studies
    4.3 Strengths and Limitations
    4.4 Implications and Future Directions
  4. Conclusion
    5.1 Summary of Key Findings
    5.2 Implications of the Findings
    5.3 Limitations of the Study
    5.4 Recommendations for Future Research

- To see the Full-Text Template please click here

- Submit your abstracts to:

-Your Microsoft Word file should be named as your “Manuscript ID+Firs Author’s Full Name”. For example ICCAUA2025EN0012_Yorname_Yourfulname.docx

- Your paper should not exceed more than 25 MB (If your Word file is more than 25MB it means that the figures in your article have very high quality).

- Your paper should not exceed more than 8000 words (including references)  and should not be less than 2500 words. 

Full paper should be in Word format (needed to be submitted to Google class-Assignment Part A).

- Reference Style: All manuscripts should be formatted using the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style.

-In the following link we offer you the hottest articles in the field of contemporary architecture and urbanism. You are kindly invited to cite any of the following articles in your full paper as much as you wish to do so. They are all free and licenced for free: 

- We highly recommend that the authors cite up-to-date references (after 2020) which has DOI numbers. You may find all books and articles with the DOI numbers at

-Make sure to use up-to-date references with DOI numbers (as much as you can) and scientifically valuable books. Less priority should be given to internet sources or URLs. Note: Please use the following link to get the reference in APA style using Google Scholar and then Add the Doi Number for it Manually:

- If you have a non-English reference please make sure to have a translation in brackets e.g:

Todorović, J. (2005). Porodični činioci stabilnosti samopoštovanja adolescenata. Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja [Family Factors of Self-esteem Stability in Adolescence], Journal of the Institute for Educational Research, 37(1), 88-106.

- The Maximum number of figures acceptable in your paper at this conference is 8.

- The Maximum number of tables acceptable in your paper at this conference is 8.

- All the figures and tables should be “in line with text”. If you double-click on the figure, you will see the layout option then click on the “in line with text” menu. See

-Make sure to check the grammatical problems of your full paper by “Grammarly”. Grammarly is free software. In order to see how to install Grammarly on Microsoft Word please click here

-We are not accepting full papers by email, so, please make sure to submit your file just to Google Classroom.

-Please note that since the jury members confirmed your abstract, we are not able to change it in the abstract book proceedings. So, please do all your updates in your Full Paper.

-If you successfully submit your file to Google Classroom and you can see the file there it means that there is no problem.

-You can delete your full paper and update it anytime after submission up until the deadline. We will close the submission system after the deadline.  

-Make sure to submit the final updated version of your full paper.

Note: Golden Hints to Guarantee the Publication of your Article in One of Our Sponsored Journals:  See the hints from here




Online presenters must submit their YouTube video presentation link (not required for in-person presenters confirmed to attend in Alanya). YouTube presentations should be a maximum of 10 minutes.

Submit the YouTube link of your presentation for the conference:

Please use the following link to submit your YouTube link :

Will be open on 20 February


Why is it necessary for authors (online presenters) to provide a "YouTube Link" for their presentations? (Maximum 10 Minutes)  

Participants should submit a "YouTube link" of their previously recorded presentation. The YouTube link will be played to the audiences in their scheduled session. After the video presentation is finished the session chairs or the other authors will have time to ask any questions regarding your paper to increase transparency. The main reason for asking for a video presentation is to manage the time during the conference and have a professional record of your presentation. Based on our experience we realized that some authors are not able to present their papers at a given time which is a maximum of 10 minutes, which affects the overall quality of the conference. The live oral discussion on your paper will start after playing the video. authors need to be available at the given time in their sessions before starting their presentations. As an example of the videos please see our previous year's program.



1- How to record your video? Please prepare your video presentations based on the following format or any other format you wish to do so. Please see the template from here

2- How to upload your recorded video to YouTube: Please see the template from here

3-Powerpoint presentation template (to prepare your video presentations): Please see the template from here

Note: You can also develop your presentation in any template as you wish. Just please make sure to keep the first page with the same template.

4 -Appropriate presentation time: Please prepare your video presentation a maximum of 10 minutes. More than that the video will not be played during the conference due to the matter of time. The reason is that after your presentation you will be given 5 minutes for questions and answers from the authors or session chairs. So, please be ready in your session for the discussion. 


Important Notes:

Note: Please submit just the YouTube link of your video presentation.

Note: Don’t forget to add your manuscript number to your presentation.

Note: Please note that we are not accepting the full paper and/or YouTube links via email.

Note: Delay for late submission is not acceptable and we will not be able to upload your presentation to the conference program on time.

Note: Only corresponding authors are allowed to submit YouTube links. So please consult with your co-authors and just submit to the form.

Note: If you have two or three YouTube links and different presentations you can submit them to Google Forms separately.


Advantages of Collecting Video Presentations in an Online Conference:

- Unforeseen Electricity Cuts: Video presentations eliminate the risk of disruptions due to power outages or electrical issues during the live session.

-Time Management: Pre-recorded videos ensure that presentations stay within the allocated time limits, allowing for a more organized conference schedule.

-Length Control: Video presentations can be reviewed and edited for length, ensuring that all presentations adhere to time constraints.

-Internet Connection Stability: Weak or unstable internet connections can hinder the quality and delivery of live presentations. Videos, on the other hand, can be recorded and uploaded under optimal internet conditions.

-Professional Presentation: Authors have the opportunity to fine-tune their video presentations, ensuring a more polished and professional delivery.

-Flexibility for Presenters: Recording presentations allows authors to choose the best time and environment for their recording, resulting in improved clarity and focus.

-Reduced Technical Glitches: Live presentations can be susceptible to technical issues such as microphone or camera malfunctions, which are eliminated with pre-recorded videos.

-Multilingual Support: Authors can add subtitles or provide translations within their video presentations, enabling a wider audience reach.

-Enhanced Content Review: Session chairs can rewatch or pause video presentations to grasp complex ideas, promoting better understanding and knowledge retention.

-Improved Engagement: Attendees can engage with video presentations at their own pace, enabling deeper comprehension and the ability to revisit specific sections.

-Reduced Stage Fright: Some authors may experience stage fright or performance anxiety during live presentations, which can be minimized with pre-recorded videos.

-Facilitation of Collaboration: Attendees can easily share video presentations with colleagues or collaborators, fostering collaboration beyond the conference timeframe.

-Increased Conference Reach: Video presentations can be shared and accessed beyond the conference, extending the dissemination of research to a wider audience.

-Mitigation of Unforeseen Circumstances: Unexpected personal or professional commitments may prevent authors from delivering live presentations, but video submissions allow them to still contribute.

-Ensuring Academic Environment: Reviewing video presentations allows conference organizers to ensure that all content and slides are appropriate for the academic setting, maintaining professional standards.





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