Publication opportunities | 7th International conference of Contemporary Affairs on Architecture and Urbanism

Publication opportunities

A- All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings Abstract  Book with  ISBN number. 

B- All accepted full papers will be published electronically in the Conference Proceedings  Full Book with  ISBN number.  All the papers of the conference will get Crossref DOI number. The book will be added to Google Books and all other social media for further citation.

C- All accepted full papers will be published electronically in the 'Journal of ICCAUA Proceedings' under the title 'Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA),' each with a DOI number

D-Selected papers of the conference will also be invited to publish their papers as a book chapter with the title of “A new approaches in Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism” with an ISBN Number. All the papers in this book will also get Crossref DOI number. 

E-Selected papers of the conference will also be invited to publish their papers as a book chapter with the title of “Contemporary approaches in heritage and habitat studies” with an ISBN Number. All the papers in this book will also get Crossref DOI number. 

F-Selected papers of the conference will also be invited to publish their papers as a book chapter with the title of “A new approaches in Contemporary civil engineering” with an ISBN Number. All the papers in this book will also get Crossref DOI number. 



F-Selected papers of the conference will be published in the following  journals:


*Selected papers after a successful peer review process will be recommended for publication in WOS (Emerging Sources Citation Index) International Journal of Education and Information.


* Selected papers after a successful peer review process will be recommended for publication in the worldwide familiar and WOS, SCOPUS, EBSCO Indexed  International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE).

* Selected papers after a successful peer review process will be recommended for publication in the worldwide familiar and SCOPUS Indexed Journal of  Civil Engineering and Architecture. Glad to inform you that this journal will dedicate 3 issues for our conference. So, we will be able to publish the selected papers in 3 main categories which are (Architecture, Urban Design and Civil engineering).

* Selected papers after a successful peer review process will be recommended for publication in the Crossref, EBSCO, DOAJ, Citefactore, CNKIHarvard University and Google Scholar indexed   Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs (Volume 8 Number 1).

*Selected papers after a successful peer review process will be recommended for publication in the SCOPUS-indexed Journal of  New Design Ideas

* Selected papers after a successful peer review process will be recommended for publication as a special issue in the Crossref, Google Scholar, WorldCat indexed  Journal of Khulna University Studies. ISSN: 1563-0897

*Selected papers after a successful peer review process will be recommended for publication in the Crossref, Citefactore, and Google Scholar-indexed Journal of SPACE International Journal of Space Studies in Architecture and Urban Design.

*Selected papers after a successful peer review process will be recommended for publication in the Crossref, Citefactore, and Google Scholar indexed Journal of A+Arch Design International Journal of Architecture and Design.

*Selected papers after a successful peer review process will be recommended for publication in the Crossref, Citefactore, and Google Scholar-indexed journal of Mediterranean Cities.



*Selected papers after a successful peer review process will be recommended for publication in the Crossref, Citefactore, and Google Scholar-indexed Journal of Salutogenic Architecture.

Golden Hints to Guarantee the Publication of your Article in One of Our Sponsored Journals: 

See the hints from here


Note: The paper selection will be carried out during the peer review process as well as at the conference presentation stage. Submitted papers must not be under consideration by any other journal or publication. The final decision for paper selection will be made based on peer review reports by the review board of the conference.

Note: The authors of the high-quality Papers will get the certificate of “ Best Scientific Paper”.


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