2019 Gallery

 Book of Abstracts for ICCAUA-2019

Book of Full Papers for ICCAUA-2019

Program of the conference



Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. José Manuel Pagés Madrigal, University of Genoa , Italy


Assist. Prof. Dr. Lazar Stosic, President of The Association for the Development of Science, Engineering and Education, Serbia

Editor in chief : International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE)


Prof. Dr.  Aykut Karaman, MSGSU , Altınbaş University, Istanbul, Turkey



March-II, MSc (Res), MSc(Eng) Antonios Tsiligiannis

Head of the "Investments and New Projects" unit at the Municipality of Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium

Alumnus of the "École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-la-Villette", Paris, France


MA. Arch. Nosratallah Bashiri, Tabriz A. I. University, Iran


Dr. Federica Tortora, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
Post Doc from University Federal of Paraiba, Brasil
associate professor dr shahin keynoush ile ilgili görsel sonucu

 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shahin Keynoush, Girne American University, Turkey

Havva  Alkan Bala

Prof. Dr. Havva Alkan Bala , Konya Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Konya /Turkey

Comments from the authors regarding ICCAUA2019


 A- Please share your thoughts on the event as a whole.

it was well organized

The event was well organized and successful. It attracted scholars and academics from various parts of the world and was therefore a good platform for networking.

I don’t have any negative thoughts in this field.

Good organization

A good event with valuable contacts

Firstly I appreciate you and your friends. You should search and eliminate people internationally. Most of dr.'s and assoc. prof.'s presentations are not as effective and functional as international level.

excellent communication; did virtual presentation but got feedback at every step; very supportive team; would try to personally attend next time

We see that many different approaches and studies came together in the symposium. This shows that the symposium has achieved its purpose.

As a whole the conference was success,

One is expected that the conference proceeding is ready few days before the conference day. More importantly, not all the people submitted the abstract for the conference will be chanced to submit their full paper on time. Some conference organizers in European universities will even published some selected paper as journal before the conference day.

Quick feedbacks and positive attitude was really appreciable.

It was a well-organissed conference. It was a real international one because there were lots of participants from all over the world. The gifts, especially the technical drawing book, was perfect. I am still using your notebook.

Very interesting topics and network.

Very well organised conference with the carefully selected papers which are rich and original in topics. The proceedings of it will be a good reference to the researches

First I am assuming the higher score the better the evaluation. I think the conference was successful. I learned a lot from the presentations and the organizers and staff were helpful and attentive. I particularly like the acknowledgement of the staff at the end of the conference as an event would not be successful without the people working in the background. Too often their efforts and inputs are not acknowledged and were taken for granted. As such I think the organizers performed a beautiful and much deserved gesture in that. The faculty organizers should also be congratulated for the event well executed.

It was a great experience since people from different backgrounds create a colourful academic event

The event as a whole is perfect. I really got the benefit of the conference and enjoy the event.


B- Did this year’s event meet your expectations? Why or why not?

Yes. I was satisfied with the level of presentation by guest speakers and other academics.

yes, because I had one purpose and I think that I reached to my goal.

No It was in ramdhan and we can't live our country


Yes good conference

yes because the participation fee is affordable

I'm a bachelor student, it was my first conference. You entertained your guests very well.

yes, with the kind guidance and support of the organizers able to publish a quality paper

I'm sorry that I couldn't participate directly in the sepozium, I had the opportunity to present the text of the papers in a virtual , so the organization welcomed my expectations because it allowed flexible and diverse participation and gave feedback at every stage.

Yes, it is really pleasure to meet many scholar from other region or country, and knowing the problem but pity because from asia (east asia) only a few so maybe the committee must a promotion more

As state above

Publishment opportunities are really valuable

It met my expectations. I would like to publish my paper in a journal so it happened.


yes, it was a professional conference.


I didn’t have any expectations but I made a few friends and I am still in contact with them. This was unexpected and great.

Yes indeed! Subjects were not restricted so we could see various topics all together. Especially the event organisation team was really supportive and helpful

Yes, because I could meet presenters and moderator that match with my concern


C- What can we do to make next year’s conference even better?

keep going it was well orginized

Do more publicising to attract more academics.

Everything was ok and I can say that continue in this field by updating the organizes to get more success😊

Give as. Lot of axes or scopes

Like this year its good

The rew process of the journals can be more objective

reduce the participation fee for doctoral students and the publication of articles in scopus indexed journals.

You should search and eliminate people internationally. Best regard.

It is excellent and well organized, just keep up the same spirit!

more people i, the conference

I think everything was clear and understandable so there was not any point to change or improve.

I think the success of this symposium will take you further. thank you to the organizing committee

You know the best way, I didn’t found anything in negative but maybe you feel the things you can changes in better way.

For next event it is possible to take a place for conference not only in europe/or turkey but also other country or region that connect with the theme so the participant will have experience about the theme

Try as much as possible to publish conference proceeding and some selected papers for Journal. The journals are expected to be university based.

A collective book project on a common theme might be handled with interested authors.

Noting to do more. But you may send "call for papers" announcement to the past participants first and may be some discounts from the fee.

I suggest arranging an extra session with exhibition, or presentation Documentary including visual art in the program, like special experiences. The presentation can be very useful to get comments and critics to develop the paper on final version after the conference.

It is better to be in another city which is more accessible.

Organising meetings with the scientific committee in advance via skype to discuss the process

I think the event is wonderful. Perhaps if there is any suggestion for consideration, I would recommend dropping the virtual presentation and replace it with a poster session. First, some of the virtual presentations were just PowerPoint slides and one has to wait to see the one they really wanted to see. Second, replacing it with poster sessions will possibly increase the number of posters giving those who came with posters a better group. Also, one can walk around and look at the posters of interest. Presenters who cannot attend can pay a nominal fee for printing the poster. This would mean a little more work for the organizers but will allow more flow and maintain the not-in person presentation participation. If organizers are ambitious and wanted to allow students a more in-depth involvement, they can assign a student to each or more absentee posters so someone local can help with answering the questions during the making of the posters and printing to ensure the posters are formatted properly and printing is done properly. This would also allow students to make real contact with presenters and take the workload off the faculty organizers. Students could also help stand beside the posters and help answer questions from attendees if they know the answers from the presenters.

It would be great if you add urban and architectural philosophy into your theme.

About the journal that we could access. Maybe you could give us more chance to joint the reputated journal (like scopus, elsevier or thompson, etc) for the output of the conference